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our refund & attendance policy

Reminder SMS texts requesting confirmation 24 hours before your appointment are a proactive approach on our behalf. If you cannot keep an appointment with us, it is expected that notice is given as soon as possible by calling or texting the clinic on 0435 714 833 and leaving a message if after hours. Failure to give fair and reasonable notice may result in a charge for your session unless extenuating circumstances exist.

You may cancel or reschedule your appointment without charge any time before the close of business on the day preceding your appointment.


You may cancel or reschedule your appointment without charge any time up to close of business the day preceding your appointment.

For cancellations/reschedules after this point, the following fees will be applied:

When greater than 3 hours notice is given:

  • A fee will be applied equal to 50% of the full fee.

When less than 3 hours notice is given:

  • A fee will be applied equal to 100% of the full fee.

Failure to attend any appointment without notice will be required to pay the 100% of the full fee. 

**If I can fill a cancelled appointment, NO FEES will be applied**



Late arrival for your agreed appointment time will result in reduced time for the treatment as the following treatment will need to start on time


For the full detailed policy, click HERE




our health & safety policy


Your health and safety is our priority. At your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a necessary Client History form. It is a requirement that this form is to be updated every 12 months. All information you provide will be confidential. Failure to complete this form will result in no treatment.


We will begin every session with a discussion about your current health, any medical conditions or illnesses you have outlined in your health form and what you would like to achieve in the treatment. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes in your health status throughout your future treatments.


Please be aware that it is not the role of your therapist to diagnose illness or give any prescriptions or medications. Therefore, we may refer you to your GP or other healthcare professionals for diagnosis or further treatment. Additionally, in some cases, we may refer you to your doctor for medical clearance before commencing treatment.



health & safety
confidentiality & privacy
late arrivals

our confidentiality & privicy policy



Your privacy is critically important to us. When you register as a patient/client of our practice, you provide consent for us to access and use your personal information so we can provide you with the best possible healthcare. Only staff who need to see your personal information will have access to it. If we need to use your information for anything else, we will seek additional consent from you to do this.

Why do we collect, use, hold and share your personal information?

Our practice will need to collect your personal information to provide healthcare services to you. Our main purpose for collecting, using, holding and sharing your personal information is to manage your health. We also use it for directly related business activities, such as financial claims and payments, practice audits and accreditation, and business processes (eg staff training).


For the full detailed policy, click HERE




our professional boundries policy

Any illicit, sexual or aggressive remarks, advances or gestures will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate termination of the session. You will be liable for full payment of the scheduled appointment.


These policies have been adopted to ensure that the professionalism and ethics of the clinic are respected and to ensure your scheduled treatment is a stress-free and relaxing experience. 


For the full detailed policy, click HERE

professional boundries

our vulnerable persons policy


Vulnerable persons are people who may be more sensitive or susceptible to exposure (or particular behaviors) because of a variety of factors. Vulnerable persons may include (but are not limited to), children, pregnant women, aged persons, persons suffering from a known mental health illness, persons with a known disability and those at the end of life care.

Individuals can belong to more than one category of a vulnerable person at any time and may become vulnerable within or throughout the course of treatment.

Assessments are undertaken to determine prior to each treatment if a client/patient is, has become, or remains a vulnerable person, and adjust the manner and delivery of their treatment accordingly.

While no two clients/patients will ever have identical needs, awareness of vulnerable individuals creates a new set of challenges for the therapist and therapists must find ways of meeting those challenges through a distinct framework of increased self-reflection and care.


For the full detailed policy, click HERE


Vulnerable Persons

our policies

At Maitland Myotherapy and Sports Massage, we aim to provide a professional service at a time that is most suitable to you. The following policies and procedures serve as a guide for first-time and regular clients. Please read our policies and procedures carefully to ensure your experience is as enjoyable as possible.




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